With 5 hours left to vote for State Rep, we’re still knocking doors to talk about the issues

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Polls (and mail-in dropboxes at City/Town Hall) are open today until 8 PM. I hope to earn your vote by then to be your next State Representative. We’re asking you to come out to the polls today and be a part of making this a wave election now that begins building energy for November. The future looks bright, and we want your stamp of approval on that assessment, too.

Thank you so much to members of 1199 SEIU and SEIU 509 for helping out again with our door-knocking efforts today. We just launched 14 teams, who will be spending the rest of the afternoon having doorstep conversations. They’re focusing on making sure we alert some of the voters who don’t always remember to vote in primary elections, because we don’t want people to miss out on the chance to choose their first new State Representative in more than 25 years! They’re talking to voters about the issues facing our state, such as climate change, the housing crisis, reliability of public transit, public childcare and education, and expanded reproductive freedom.

We need a full-time State Representative who is responsive to constituents who write in or call in needing assistance. SEIU volunteers this past weekend reported how many Ward 5 residents told them stories of me talking to them directly about something they needed help with at the city level, and I will continue that as your State Representative. A first-termer, especially, can’t outsource this brass tacks, day-to-day work to staff and have it done well.

I started my morning in Brookline and I have been making my way around to visit the polling places across the district. This campaign is only possible with volunteer people power, in huge numbers. At 7 this morning, our volunteers were out in force, holding signs at nearly every polling location in the district. Beyond community support, we had folks from the Newton Teachers Association, Mass Nurses Association, Progressive Mass, UFCW Local 1445, the Laborers, and more. Later today we'll have the Ironworkers!

I was particularly honored to have Mass Nurses Association President Katie Murphy stop by Newton Ward 5 to hold a sign with me and my mother, a 40 year MNA member who is active in her union at the Brigham. We talked about some of the urgent policy priorities of the nurses in the legislature and the need for transparency and accountability at the State House. The unions are prepared to back me up on standing firm for changing how business is done.

We remain filled with a passion for changing the things we find unacceptable. I hope you will join us in this endeavor. Together, we can make Massachusetts a Commonwealth for everyone. I’m excited to get started, and I need your vote by 8 PM today to do so.